Silkens in my life
After meeting Francie in Germany, August 1998, I completely forgot about the new breed for several years. Actually, it was Dee Jones' 2003 X-mas card that gave me the idea of adding a Silken to the pack. She had a Borzoi, an Afgan and...2 Silken Windhounds in her photo and those little ones looked much more like miniature Borzoi than those I had met in Germany! I was already waiting for a Borzoi puppy so I asked Francie for a Silken puppy. It all worked out beautifully and, after visiting the Borzoi Centennial in 2004, I flew home with 2 puppies. After first Rostania and a year later Vjertilo crossed the Rainbow Bridge, I asked Francie for a male for Jasmyn. This was puppy Paladin, who arrived 3 weeks after Jasmyn had passed away..... Still wanting to breed, Yasera came to live with me, she was bred and from that litter I kept Dandy. Later I added Brocade and a year later I shared costs importing first Serrat (who lives in Germany) and then Aponi.
I am also co-owner of Destiny, Dream & Design. Now that we have a bigger house a litter is planned with Destiny, somewhere in of 2013. In the mean time Dandy has sired the C-litter in the German kennel Tanner's, see
I am also co-owner of Destiny, Dream & Design. Now that we have a bigger house a litter is planned with Destiny, somewhere in of 2013. In the mean time Dandy has sired the C-litter in the German kennel Tanner's, see